Tuesday, February 1, 2011


There are few, but some people actually read this thing.
So I will continue to post.

First off, I want to say that people who get offended by what I say should either get over it or leave.


This is my blog, these are my opinions, deal with it or don't read it.

I'm not going to delete previous posts. This is how I feel, and it's not going to change.

There are certain people who are upset over my post 'religion ridiculous'.
Let me clarify.
I don't hate all LDS people.
My entire family is LDS, along with many of my close friends.
My love for these people has never, and will never be up for debate.
I just don't agree with their beliefs.

I do dislike the church as an organization.
It's involvement in politics is not only wrong, but it shouldn't be allowed.
Organized religion is a fancy word for bigotry.
Organized religion=bad.

Moving on....

My top 10 Facebook "NO ONE CARES!" moments:
  1. When someone posts something about sports. I hate sports, and I would rather see a picture of a dead baby.
  2. When people think I care about them going to the gym. Yes, I realize that its good to get a support system and let people know what your doing in order to succeed with your fitness goals. That's what weight watchers meetings and/or online chat rooms are for. When I see a daily post saying, "The gym was so awesome today!! :DD" I want to punch you in your awesome face! Stop making everyone who doesn't care about your fitness goals feel fat.
  3. Profile pictures that don't show your face. Your Facebook page is your online networking site, and I'd appreciate it if I could see the face of the person I am trying to Facebook stalk.
  4. I'm going to publicly humiliate the next person who intentionally removes vowels from their words (people=ppl).
  5. "Elder John Johnson," your first name is NOT Elder.
  6. Those who post long depressing song lyrics that fill up half of my feed. Go see a psychiatrist.
  7. I really, really don't care what your astrology symbol means!
  8. If I wanted to play FarmVille with you I'll ask. If your pretend animal needs food I really don't know what to do for it.
  9. When girls talk about the letter they got from 'their' missionary and how happy it made them. It's almost like these letters contain the solution to cancer, AIDS, and when/where Jesus is coming. Guess what! He wrote the same thing to 15 other girls, including his own mother.
  10. If you can't write a proper sentence and/or spell, delete your Facebook and enroll your ass in the 3rd grade until you can.

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